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Bradyzoite transmigration of Caco-2 cells in human intestinal microphysiological systemsand intestinal jejunal villi explants.

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posted on 2025-02-04, 18:40 authored by Carlos J. Ramírez-Flores, Nicole D. Hryckowian, Andrew N. Gale, Kehinde Adebayo Babatunde, Marcos Lares, David J. Beebe, Sheena C. Kerr, Laura J. Knoll

(A) Representative fluorescent images showing bradyzoite transmigration through the Caco-2 cells after 20 h post-infection of lumens. Punctuated lines in white represent the edges of the lumen and its boundary with the matrix. (B) Confocal images of explants of villi infected for 6 h (i) or 24 h (ii-iv) and then fixed. (i) Shows EGS LDH2p-GFP/SAG1p-mCherry bradyzoites localizing in the jejunal stroma. (ii a) shows a 3D projection of a bradyzoite localizing in the stroma of villus. (ii b) represents a Z-section of (ii a). (iii) Shows a 3D projection of bradyzoites transmigrating through the enterocytes. (iv) Confocal image of a bradyzoite localizing in the stroma of villus. (C) Confocal images of explants of villi fixed and then infected for 6 h (i) or 24 h (ii-iv). (i) Shows EGS LDH2p-GFP/SAG1p-mCherry bradyzoites localizing underneath the enterocytes. (ii a) shows a 3D projection of a bradyzoite localizing in the stroma of the infected fixed villus. (ii b) represents a Z-section of (ii a). (iii) 3D projection of bradyzoites interacting with the enterocytes of the fixed villus. (iv) Confocal image of a bradyzoite localizing in the stroma of fixed villus.
