Public Library of Science
pone.0207443.g004.tif (385.58 kB)

Bacterial community structures at phylum level for all samples.

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posted on 2018-11-13, 18:30 authored by Bing Han, Songhe Zhang, Lisha Zhang, Kaihui Liu, Liying Yan, Peifang Wang, Chao Wang, Si Pang

Samples attached to leaves (NSL), stems (NSS) and roots (NSR) of N. peltatum in summer, to leaves (NWL), stems (NWS) and roots (NWR) of N. peltatum in winter, and to leaves (TSL), stems (TSS) and roots (TSR) of T. natans in summer. The abundance of phyla making up less than 1% of total high-quality sequences were classified as ‘other’ in all samples.
