Public Library of Science
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Association between apparent pollen fertility and MS-F1.

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posted on 2018-07-17, 17:38 authored by Shingo Goto, Terutaka Yoshioka, Satoshi Ohta, Masayuki Kita, Hiroko Hamada, Tokurou Shimizu

The apparent pollen fertility is examined in ‘Okitsu No. 46’ × ‘Okitsu No. 56’ (O46-O56) population and it is based on the average of three years. (A) Association between apparent pollen fertility and alleles of NSX156, TSRA107, and SSR08B32. Average of apparent pollen fertility in 8–17 seedlings is shown. (B) Enlarged genetic linkage maps for O46-O56 near MS-F1. The loci with the highest logarithm of the odds score in the range of MS-F1 and the flanking markers are shown. The alleles linked with MS-F1 and ms-f1 are shown on the right side and left side of LG6a, respectively. (C) Selection efficacy of the MS-F1 haplotype block in the O46-O56 population. MS-F1/ms-f1 shows individuals with both “207” allele at NSX 156 and “102” allele at SSR08B32 (n = 8). ms-f1/ms-f1 indicates individuals without both the “207” and the “102” allele (n = 17). Underlines indicate the alleles linked with MS-F1 and derived from ‘Okitsu No. 46’. Asterisk (****) shows significance level at p < 0.0001. Bars indicate standard deviation.
