Public Library of Science
pone.0204074.g001.tif (1.01 MB)

Assessment of peripheral blood monocyte subsets by flow cytometry.

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posted on 2018-09-21, 20:05 authored by Elena Elchinova, Iris Teubel, Santiago Roura, Marco A. Fernández, Josep Lupón, Carolina Gálvez-Montón, Marta de Antonio, Pedro Moliner, Mar Domingo, Elisabet Zamora, Julio Núñez, Germán Cediel, Antoni Bayés-Genís

In tube A, total monocyte population and frequency of the monocyte subsets was defined with CD86 (I) and CD14/CD16 (II) expression, respectively. In tube B, Perfect count beads (III) and monocytes (CD86+ cells) (IV) were selected to determine total monocyte cell count. Frequency was then applied to total monocyte count in order to measure monocyte subsets (V). Table summarizes representative results from one patient with ambulatory heart failure.
