Public Library of Science
pone.0206360.g003.tif (526.62 kB)

Analysis of tumor tissue genotype collected from TP53 mosaic pig with wild-type sequences.

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posted on 2018-10-23, 17:37 authored by Fuminori Tanihara, Maki Hirata, Nhien Thi Nguyen, Quynh Anh Le, Takayuki Hirano, Tatsuya Takemoto, Michiko Nakai, Dai-ichiro Fuchimoto, Takeshige Otoi

A: Gel image of PCR products of TP53 from tissues of pig #5. An amplicon of approximately 200bp (arrowhead) indicates mutant allele (142 and 151 bp deletions) which could be distinguished from the wild-type alleles (358bp) and mutant alleles with short indels (arrow). T: tumor tissue, H: heart, L: liver, K: kidney. B: The ratio of upper and lower band intensities were quantified using ImageJ software. PCR amplicons from tumor tissues represented a larger frequency of mutant sequences than those from other organs. C: Genotype of the TP53 target region in tumor tissue and liver. The nucleotides in blue and red colors represent target sequences and PAM sequences, respectively. Frequency was determined by subcloned sequencing analysis. WT: wild-type.
