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Age and gender distribution of patient sample pool.

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posted on 2016-12-28, 18:26 authored by Rose M. Langsjoen, Rebecca J. Rubinstein, Tiffany F. Kautz, Albert J. Auguste, Jesse H. Erasmus, Liddy Kiaty-Figueroa, Renessa Gerhardt, David Lin, Kumar L. Hari, Ravi Jain, Nicolas Ruiz, Antonio E. Muruato, Jael Silfa, Franklin Bido, Matthew Dacso, Scott C. Weaver

Serum from patients visiting an emergency clinic in the DR was tested for CHIKV RNA and IgM, and results were retrospectively matched to demographic data. A) The age and gender distribution of CHIKV-RNA positive [CHIKF(+)] and CHIKF(-) (both IgM and RNA negative) patients. The majority of patients were under the age of 50 for both CHIKF(+) and CHIKF(-) groups. B) The age and gender distribution of patients who were hospitalized.
