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pone.0213441.g003.tif (139.03 kB)

Age-adjusted predicted television viewing trajectory over time by trauma/PTSD group, before and after trauma/PTSD onset, among subsample.

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posted on 2019-03-21, 17:35 authored by Sun Jae Jung, Ashley Winning, Andrea L. Roberts, Kristen Nishimi, Qixuan Chen, Paola Gilsanz, Jennifer A. Sumner, Cristina A. Fernandez, Eric B. Rimm, Laura D. Kubzansky, Karestan C. Koenen

(n = 14, 374). Notes: Includes women with trauma/PTSD onset during follow-up, between 1991–2009 (n = 14, 374). Zero marks the year of trauma/PTSD onset. PTSD characterized in association with worst trauma.
