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A one-day time course of flibanserin can preserve retinal morphology and function.

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posted on 2016-07-22, 07:12 authored by Aaron S. Coyner, Renee C. Ryals, Cristy A. Ku, Cody M. Fischer, Rachel C. Patel, Shreya Datta, Paul Yang, Yuquan Wen, René Hen, Mark E. Pennesi

(A i) A spider graph representing average right-eye receptor plus values demonstrates that a single dose of 6 mg/kg flibanserin or greater can significantly preserve retinal morphology to thicknesses comparable to naïve mice. The gray area indicates ± 2 SD of the naïve averaged data. (A ii, iii) Receptor plus thicknesses, with each dot representing average right and left eye thickness from one mouse, demonstrate that 6 mg/kg flibanserin provides morphological protection in the (A ii) temporal quadrant and the (A iii) nasal quadrant. Group averages are represented as mean ± standard error bar. (B) Mice treated with doses of 6 mg/kg and greater of flibanserin showed significantly higher ERG b-wave and a-wave responses at the highest flash intensity (3.55 log cd•s/m2) as compared to vehicle-treated mice. “†” indicates the greatest flash intensity that elicits a rod-only response (b(max,rod)). Group differences at the “†” flash intensity were statistically evaluated and are represented in S1B Fig. Individual ERGs were averaged with ERGs for mice within group and are represented as mean ± standard error. * indicates a significant difference from both the vehicle-treated group and the naïve group, P < 0.05. n.s. indicates non-significance with P > 0.05.
