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pone.0213346.g003.tif (6.06 MB)

Aβ deposition in the cerbral cortex of stranded dolphins.

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posted on 2019-03-20, 17:29 authored by David A. Davis, Kiyo Mondo, Erica Stern, Ama K. Annor, Susan J. Murch, Thomas M. Coyne, Larry E. Brand, Misty E. Niemeyer, Sarah Sharp, Walter G. Bradley, Paul Alan Cox, Deborah C. Mash

(A) Anti-Aβ IHC demonstrates Aβ+ plaques in the cerebral cortex of stranded dolphins. (B) Intraneuronal Aβ+ accumulation was aslo observed throughout upper and lower cortical layers. (C) High-resolution digital patholgy scans of pyramidal neurons in the ACtx containing dense intracellalur Aβ+ inclusions. (D) Large and sparse Aβ+ plaques were observed in the Md of stranded dolphins. (E-P) Aβ+ plaques were different in morphology as observed by H&E staining (E-H), MB silver staining (I-L) and Aβ+ IHC (M-P). Aβ+ plaques ranged from small focal with compact cores (E, I, M), primative immature cotton wool-like (F, J, N), to large and diffuse (G, K, O) and ill-defined (H, L, P). Representative scale bar: 500 μm (A, B & D), 100 μm (C), 50 μm (E-P).
