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Variations of hemodynamic and perfusion parameters at 30 and 60 minutes after the end of the infusion.

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posted on 2015-03-20, 04:04 authored by Javier Urbano, Rafael González, Jorge López, María J Solana, José M. Bellón, Marta Botrán, Ana García, Sarah N. Fernández, Jesús López-Herce

Shock30’: end of controlled bleeding before beginning of infusion; Obs30’: 30 minutes after the end of infusion. Obs60’: 60 minutes after the end of infusion. NS: Normal saline; AHS: Albumin plus hypertonic saline; TAHS: Terlipressin plus albumin hypertonic saline. CI: Cardiac index; SVI: Stroke volume index; GEDVI: Global end diastolic index; PPV: Pulse pressure variation; bTOI: Brain tissue oxygenation index; PgCO2: Gastric intramucosal pCO2; ScvO2: Central venous blood oxygen saturation. Δ% (SD): variation (in percentage) respect to the previous moment.

a p<0.05 respect to NS.

b p<0.05 respect to TAHS.

Variations of hemodynamic and perfusion parameters at 30 and 60 minutes after the end of the infusion.
