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Transmission ratios in the progeny of R2d2WSB/notWSB heterozygous F1 hybrid sires and dams.

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posted on 2015-02-13, 02:45 authored by John P. Didion, Andrew P. Morgan, Amelia M.-F. Clayshulte, Rachel C. Mcmullan, Liran Yadgary, Petko M. Petkov, Timothy A. Bell, Daniel M. Gatti, James J. Crowley, Kunjie Hua, David L. Aylor, Ling Bai, Mark Calaway, Elissa J. Chesler, John E. French, Thomas R. Geiger, Terry J. Gooch, Theodore Garland Jr., Alison H. Harrill, Kent Hunter, Leonard McMillan, Matt Holt, Darla R. Miller, Deborah A. O'Brien, Kenneth Paigen, Wenqi Pan, Lucy B. Rowe, Ginger D. Shaw, Petr SimecekPetr Simecek, Patrick F. Sullivan, Karen L Svenson, George M. Weinstock, David W. Threadgill, Daniel Pomp, Gary A. Churchill, Fernando Pardo-Manuel de Villena

Transmission ratios in the progeny of R2d2WSB/notWSB heterozygous F1 hybrid sires and dams.
