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Risk perception to H7N9 in urban and rural subjects recruited in Guangdong province during the two surveys in 2013–14.

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posted on 2015-09-14, 05:06 authored by Peng Wu, Liping Wang, Benjamin J. Cowling, Jianxing YuJianxing Yu, Vicky J. Fang, Fu Li, Lingjia Zeng, Joseph T. Wu, Zhongjie Li, Gabriel M. Leung, Hongjie Yu

1: Subjects were asked to rate the worry about H7N9 with a number in 1–10.

2: Subjects who answered certain/very likely/likely to the question “How likely do you think it is that you will contract H7N9 avian flu over the next 1 month?” were categorized as “High” in the table while those who answered never/very unlikely/unlikely were categorized as “Low”.

3: Subjects who answered certain/much more /more to the question “What do you think is your chance of getting infected with H7N9 avian flu over the next 1 month compared to other people outside your family of a similar age?” were categorized as “High” in the table while those who answered not at all/much less/less were categorized as “Low”.

4: Subjects who answered extremely concerned/concerned much more than normal/concerned more than normal to the question “If you were to develop ILI symptoms tomorrow, would you be…?” were categorized as “More” in the table while those who answered not at all concerned/much less concerned than normal/ concerned less than normal were categorized as “Less”.

5: Subjects who answered worried about it all the time/worried a lot/worried a bit to the question “Did you worry about H7N9 in the past week?”were categorized as “Worry” in the table.

6: Subjects who answered much higher/a little higher regarding the severity of H7N9 compared to seasonal influenza, H5N1 avian influenza and SARS were used to the numbers and proportions in the table. Proportions in the table have been weighted by age and sex to the population distribution in the National Census 2010.

Abbreviations: SARS, severe acute respiratory syndrome; ILI, influenza-like illness.

Risk perception to H7N9 in urban and rural subjects recruited in Guangdong province during the two surveys in 2013–14.


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