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Predictive validity of the Brief Sexual Openness Scales (BSOS) as a conventional and a CLT-based measure (standardized regression coefficients), N = 1,132.

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posted on 2015-08-26, 03:27 authored by Xinguang Chen, Yan Wang, Fang Li, Jie Gong, Yaqiong Yan

Regression models were used to assess the conventional and one-factor-based BSOS, and structural equation models were used to assess trifactor-based BSOS. Age, gender, and marital status were entered as controls for all analyses. Analysis of age of first sexual intercourse was limited to participants who reported ever having had sex (n = 446).

*p < 0.05.

**p < 0.01.

Predictive validity of the Brief Sexual Openness Scales (BSOS) as a conventional and a CLT-based measure (standardized regression coefficients), N = 1,132.
