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Phenotypic characterization of plants from seeds treated with GA3 and liquid smoke.

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posted on 2014-04-18, 11:12 authored by Jose Sebastian, Mandy Ka Wong, Evan Tang, José R. Dinneny

Tiller number, panicle size, crown root number and plant height were quantified at 24 DAS. Panicle size (from the tip of the panicle to its base) and plant height (from the tip of the panicle to the bottom of the stem) are measured in centimeters. Leaves on the main plant are only included for leaf number measurements. Flowering time is given as DAS. All visible tillers present on the main plant are considered for tiller counting. (n = 25 to 30 plants per replicate). LS, liquid smoke; GA3 + KNO3, 2.89 mM GA3 + 30 mM KNO3 in distilled water. * Represents the standard error.
