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File S1 - New Luminescence Ages for the Galería Complex Archaeological Site: Resolving Chronological Uncertainties on the Acheulean Record of the Sierra de Atapuerca, Northern Spain

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posted on 2014-10-22, 03:19 authored by Martina Demuro, Lee J. Arnold, Josep M. Parés, Alfredo Pérez-González, Ana I. Ortega, Juan L. Arsuaga, José M. Bermúdez de Castro, Eudald Carbonell

This file contains additional text about methodology and results, as well as associated figures and tables. Explanations are provided about measurement conditions and data analysis used for both the TT-OSL and pIR-IR225 signals (e.g., De calculation and rejection criteria). Dose recovery test results for the pIR-IR and the TT-OSL signals are shown in Table S4. File S1 also contains the TT-OSL signal brightness characteristics and single-grain rejection statistics obtained for all samples. This file also contains Table S1-S5 and Figure S1-S5. Table S1, Details of the Galería luminescence dating samples analysed in this study. Table S2, Radionuclide activities (Bq kg-1) and daughter-to-parent ratios obtained from high resolution gamma spectrometry (HRGS) measurements of the 238U and 232Th decay chains. Table S3, Single-grain TT-OSL classification statistics for the Galería samples. Table S4, Results obtained for the dose recovery tests performed using protocol A of Table 4 for the TT-OSL signal. Table S5, Rejection statistics from the single-grain TT-OSL dose recovery test performed on samples ATG10-3 corresponding to Table S4. Figure S1, (A) Cumulative light-sum plots for the Galería samples constructed from the ranked net natural test dose signal (Tn) (using the first 0.24 s of laser stimulation minus a background-subtraction from the final 0.25 s). Plot (B) shows ranked signal counts normalised to the given Tn dose (200–300 Gy). Data shown is for single-grain TT-OSL measurements made using the 90–125 µm grain fraction (∼18 grains per hole; Arnold et al., 2012). Figure S2, Single-grain TT-OSL dose recovery test results (∼18 grains per hole). Figure S3, Histogram showing the distribution of single-grain TT-OSL D0 values for the Galería samples. Figure S4, Single-grain TT-OSL De distributions for the Galería samples, shown as histograms (left column) and radial plots (right column). Figure S5, Radial plots showing the pIR-IR225 De distributions of the remaining Galería samples not included in Figure 6 of the main text.

