Public Library of Science

Distribution Variables.

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posted on 2014-03-05, 03:51 authored by Philippe Barboza, Laetitia Vaillant, Yann Le Strat, David M. Hartley, Noele P. Nelson, Abla Mawudeku, Lawrence C. Madoff, Jens P. Linge, Nigel Collier, John S. Brownstein, Pascal Astagneau

Media  =  Press, news aggregators and blogs.

* Systems  =  another biosurveillance system included in the study.


Official  =  official sources and expert contributions.


Sub-Sah. Afr  =  Sub-Saharan Africa.

N. Afr.- N.East  =  North Africa and Near-East.


VHF  =  Viral Haemorrhagic Fever.
