Public Library of Science
pone.0278295.s005.xlsx (17.12 kB)

KEGG and gene ontology (GO) enrichment analyses for significantly differentially expressed genes between low and high PET score groups for the terms and pathways identified in the main analyses.

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posted on 2022-12-01, 18:50 authored by Stuart Meier, James A. Seddon, Elizna Maasdorp, Léanie Kleynhans, Nelita du Plessis, Andre G. Loxton, Stephanus T. Malherbe, Daniel E. Zak, Ethan Thompson, Fergal J. Duffy, Stefan H. E. Kaufmann, Tom H. M. Ottenhoff, Thomas J. Scriba, Sara Suliman, Jayne S. Sutherland, Jill Winter, Helena Kuivaniemi, Gerhard Walzl, Gerard Tromp

The analyses were performed using the topGO and kegga function from the edgeR R Bioconductor packages. The statistical metrics presented are as for S2 and S3 Tables respectively.

