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The effect of HIV related proteins on hippocampal inflammation was measured in adolescent WT and HIV-1 tg rats.

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posted on 2014-10-01, 02:51 authored by Christina L. Nemeth, Erica R. Glasper, Constance S. Harrell, Sanjana A. Malviya, Jeffrey S. Otis, Gretchen N. Neigh

A) Analysis of hippocampal gene expression of inflammatory markers showed increased expression of the potent chemokine, Mcp-1, in non-drug treated HIV-1 tg rats compared to WT controls (*p<0.05). B) In contrast, once daily meloxicam administration attenuated Mcp-1 expression in HIV-1 tg rats, normalizing inflammatory gene expression to WT levels (p>0.05). Data are presented as mean ± SEM.
