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Predicted mortality along BL in two contrasting climatic areas based on precipitation.

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posted on 2013-02-26, 12:07 authored by Paloma Ruiz-Benito, Emily R. Lines, Lorena Gómez-Aparicio, Miguel A. Zavala, David A. Coomes

Predicted annual mortality rates (yr−1) in two contrasting annual precipitation areas (wet vs. dry) along basal area of larger trees (m2 ha−1) for the 11 most common species of the Iberian Peninsula: (A) P. hapelensis (Pha), (B) P. pinea (Ppe), (C) P. pinaster (Ppa), (D) P. nigra (Pni), (E) P. sylvestris (Psy), (F) P. uncinata (Pun), (G) Q. ilex (Qil), (H) Q. suber (Qsu), (I) Q. pyrenaica (Qpy), (J) Q. faginea (Qfa), (K) F. sylvatica (Fsy).
