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Performances of the ndBMI when simulating one malfunctioning recording and stimulation electrode.

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posted on 2014-03-13, 09:25 authored by Alessandro Vato, Francois D. Szymanski, Marianna Semprini, Ferdinando A. Mussa-Ivaldi, Stefano Panzeri

The actual trajectories of the Multiple-points algorithm (red-tonality lines) and the ideal trajectories (black lines) superimposed to the sensory regions (blue-tonality areas) by using data set 6 (i.e. 32 stimulating electrodes) and two force fields obtained by utilizing respectively (A, E) the original data set, (B, F) a data set simulating a misplaced recording electrode and (C, G) a data set simulating an ineffective stimulating electrode. (D, H) Bar chart representing the average within-trajectory position error (wtpe) of the trajectories obtained simulating a misplaced recording and ineffective stimulating electrode compared with the one simulated by using the original data set. The * denotes that wpte depended significantly on the malfunctioning electrodes conditions( one-way ANOVA) and is placed in correspondence of the malfunctioning conditions for which wpte was significantly different from the original data set (Tukey hsd ).
