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Participant Characteristics and Sleep Parameters.

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posted on 2013-05-29, 09:03 authored by Alexander Prehn-Kristensen, Manuel Munz, Ina Molzow, Ines Wilhelm, Christian D. Wiesner, Lioba Baving

Note: SD, standard deviation; TIB, time in bed; TST, total sleep time; sleep efficiency: ratio of total sleep time to time in bed, sleep onset latency: time in minutes from lights off to the first epoch of stage 2 sleep; S1, sleep stage 1; SWS, slow wave sleep; REM, rapid eye movement; SO, slow oscillation; bold p-values indicate significant main effect for groups; # (p≤.05) ## (p≤.005), significant difference in means compared to healthy adults; means did not differ between children with and without ADHD (p>.05).
