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Ift80 Npy2r-Cre CKO mice exhibited body weight increase.

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posted on 2015-06-08, 03:08 authored by Yoshihiro Omori, Taro Chaya, Satoyo Yoshida, Shoichi Irie, Toshinori Tsujii, Takahisa Furukawa

A) Strategy for the conditional deletion of Ift80. The Ift80 exon 6 was deleted by Cre-mediated recombination, resulting in an Ift80-null allele. B) PCR products of 248 bp or 466 bp were amplified from wild type or floxed Ift80 alleles, respectively. C, D) Cilia in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus in control and Ift80 Npy2r-Cre CKO brains were immunostained with an anti-Npy2r antibody (C). The number of stained cilia/field (25,600 μm2) is indicated. The number of the anti-Npy2r antibody-stained cilia (arrowheads) significantly decreased in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus in the Ift80 Npy2r-Cre CKO brain (D) (n = 3; * p<0.03). Nuclei were stained with DAPI (blue). E) The Npy2r mRNA expression levels were measured by Q-PCR in the control and Ift80 Npy2r-Cre CKO mouse hypothalamuses (n = 3). F, G) Cilia in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus in control and Ift80 Npy2r-Cre CKO brains were immunostained with an anti-Adcy3 antibody (green in F). The number of immunostained cilia/field (25,600 μm2) is indicated. The number of cilia immunostained with the anti-Adcy3 antibody was statistically unaltered between control and Ift80 Npy2r-Cre CKO mice (G) (n = 3). H, I) Ift80 Npy2r-Cre CKO mice showed an increased body weight at 19 weeks. Body weights of 13- (H) or 19-week-old (I) male Ift80 Npy2r-Cre CKO mice were measured. Body weights of Ift80 Npy2r-Cre CKO mice were statistically unaltered at 13 weeks and significantly increased at 19 weeks compared with those of control mice (control, n = 6; CKO, n = 4; *p<0.03). EC: ependymal cells; V: third ventricles. Scale bars, 50 μm (the upper panels in C, F) and 10 μm (the lower panels in C, F).
