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Cryo-electron microscopy analysis of E. coli- produced tandem core particles.

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posted on 2015-04-01, 03:12 authored by Hadrien Peyret, Annick Gehin, Eva C. Thuenemann, Donatienne Blond, Aadil El Turabi, Lucy Beales, Dean Clarke, Robert J. C. Gilbert, Elizabeth E. Fry, David I. Stuart, Kris Holmes, Nicola J. Stonehouse, Mike Whelan, William Rosenberg, George P. Lomonossoff, David J. Rowlands

a) Surface-rendered views of the reconstructions. Red—hetero-tandem core, contoured at 1σ. Green—homo-tandem core, contoured at 1σ. Blue—difference map, hetero-minus-homo, contoured at 4σ. b) Transverse view across 5-fold axis of the He core with co-ordinates from the HBc crystal structure (Wynne et al., 1999) fitted into the EM density. c) Density profiles of the He (red) and Ho (green) cores generated from translationally-aligned rotational averages. For comparison central sections of the He (upper panel) and Ho (lower panel) maps are shown to the right. A ring of density under the main capsid surface and at a radius of ~90 Å derives from the protamine-like region in He.
