Public Library of Science
pgen.1008094.g004.tif (1.23 MB)

The linker region of DRE2 coordinates protein-protein interactions in the CIA pathway.

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posted on 2019-04-29, 17:26 authored by Xiaokang Wang, Xudong Chen, Linhua Sun, Weiqiang Qian

(A-B) Interactions of DRE2, DRE2Δ6, DRE2-3 and DRE2Δ75 with TAH18, NBP35 and GRXS17 as determined by Y2H assays. Yeast cells harboring different fusion protein combinations (listed at the left) in pGBK-T7 (BD) and pGAD-T7 (AD) vectors were plated on medium lacking Leu, Trp (SD-TL), medium lacking Leu, Trp and His (SD-TLH) and medium lacking Leu, Trp, His and Ade (SD-TLHA) (A) or SD-TLH medium with 1 mM 3AT (B).
