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Temporal information loss in the macaque early visual system - Fig 8

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posted on 2020-01-23, 19:15 authored by Gregory D. Horwitz

Magnocellular population signal-to-noise ratio, d′ (A and B), and mean firing rate (C and D) as a function of temporal frequency (ordinate) and integration time from stimulus onset (abscissa). Data from monkey 1 appear in (A) and (C), and data from monkey 2 appear in (B) and (D). Contours in (A) and (B) indicate the locus of points at which d′ = 1.27. Contour in (C) is at 17 spikes/s. Contour in (D) is at 16 spikes/s. These were selected to maximize the similarity of contours between (A) and (C) and between (B) and (D). Data are available at
