Public Library of Science
pcbi.1007316.g003.tif (6 MB)

Temporal Fourier model and large-scale model results for two subjects over all samples and frequencies, single eigenvector only.

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posted on 2019-11-15, 19:49 authored by David M. Alexander, Tonio Ball, Andreas Schulze-Bonhage, Cees van Leeuwen

A. The left plots show the PLVerror for the model that used only the temporal information at the site to be predicted. All values are from the test data set, for the same site analyzed in the middle and right panels. Middle plots show the fit of the past phase data to past model, Ω, the right plot shows the PLVerror for the best predicted site, chosen during model construction. All values are from the test data set. Both Ω and PLVerror extend over 1 second of data, and each sample in the past plot corresponds to the prediction error of the same sample in the future plot. The past plot samples are offset backwards time by either one (ECoG) or two (MEG) cycles at the frequency of interest, indicated by the curved boundaries. Blank regions within the future plot indicate PLVerror less than zero. B. The same future prediction errors as (A), expressed as the standard deviation of the error angle. Colour scale is in radians. The time-only Fourier model results are shown in the first and third panels, the large-scale spatio-temporal Fourier model results are shown in the second and fourth panels.
