Public Library of Science
pone.0217699.g006.tif (1.48 MB)

Recovery of gene expression after long-term heterochromatization.

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posted on 2019-07-03, 17:29 authored by Patricia A. Vignaux, Celyn Bregio, Nathaniel A. Hathaway

A) Re-expression of the CpGDep A and CpGDep D cell lines after five weeks of csHP1α-induced silencing, with or without the addition of 5-aza. B) Re-expression of the CpGFull E and CpGFull G cell lines after five weeks of csHP1α-induced silencing, with or without the addition of 5-aza. Dotted line represents baseline expression for each cell line. Flow cytometry was performed in biological triplicate on Attune 1. n = 3, ** P ≤ 0.01. *** P ≤ 0.001.
