Public Library of Science
pbio.3000546.g012.tif (220.05 kB)

Place-cell phase precession in marmoset hippocampus.

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posted on 2019-12-09, 18:31 authored by Hristos S. Courellis, Samuel U. Nummela, Michael Metke, Geoffrey W. Diehl, Robert Bussell, Gert Cauwenberghs, Cory T. Miller

(A) The phase-location correlation ρ is plotted against the log p-value in panel A for all place cells indicated by black dots, with neurons clearing the p-value threshold circled in red. Neurons exhibiting significant θ phase precession (p < 0.01, linear-circular correlation) during concurrent HV locomotion and θ bouts were also identified (7/269, p = 0.019 BT). Negative correlation indicates a place cell fired earlier in the θ phase as the marmoset traversed the place field. Right shows the distribution of correlations across the neural population. (B) The top plots the mean firing rate of 2 neurons as the marmoset locomoted across the L track. The top left plots an exemplar of an LSPF, whereas the top right plots an exemplar of a RSPF. The place field for each cell is also shown with an arrow indicating the direction of travel for which the cell was sensitive. The bottom plots spikes discharged during a θ bout as the place field is traversed using the instantaneous θ phase and marmoset position for the corresponding units above. The correlation in spike timing between θ phase and position along the L track is indicated by the least-square fit line (red). The underlying data can be found at HV, high velocity; LSPF, left-selective place field; RSPF, right-selective place field.
