Public Library of Science
pone.0230915.g007.tif (930.54 kB)

PCR amplifications under stringent annealing temperatures.

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posted on 2020-03-27, 20:05 authored by Jenq-Kuen Huang, Kadidia Samassekou, Hekmat B. Alhmadi, David R. VanDerway, Joshua D. Diaz, Jacob A. Seiver, Shawn W. McClenahan, Scott M. Holt, Lisa Wen

(A) amplification of the 1.1 kb fragments using primer pair 13+17. (B) amplification of the 0.8 kb fragments using primer pair 9+18. (C) amplification of the 1.2 kb fragments using primer pair 9+20. The templates used were genomic DNA isolated from clone 1-p-11, knockout mutants 1-3-17 and/or 2-3-52. Annealing temperatures used are indicated on top of each lane.
