Public Library of Science
pone.0199784.g004.tif (503.23 kB)

PAH degradation.

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posted on 2018-07-03, 17:39 authored by Uyen T. Nguyen, Sara A. Lincoln, Ana Gabriela Valladares Juárez, Martina Schedler, Jennifer L. Macalady, Rudolf Müller, Katherine H. Freeman

Depletion of total PAH (%) of crude oil in sediment fraction (SED, circles) at after 18 days of incubation. The dashed arrow is interpreted as the direction of increasing biodegradation extent. A, All samples: Initial total PAHs are represented by squares. Samples are color-coded according to sampling water depths. Depletion in deep water samples are possibly due to off-gassing effect. B, Distinguishing biodegradation from off-gassing, using different isomer ratios of methylated-PAHs (MF: methyl fluorene m/z 180; MD: methyldibenzothiophene m/z 198; MP: methylphenanthrene m/z 192). Samples are color coded by pressures (MPa). Error bars represent one standard deviations from the means.
