Public Library of Science
pone.0169565.g011.tif (140.18 kB)

Number of cells forming biofilm on jaws in TSB, TSB media supplemented with 3% sucrose; artificial saliva, saliva supplemented with 3% sucrose; BHI; BHI supplemented with 3% sucrose.

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posted on 2017-01-11, 17:38 authored by Adam Junka, Patrycja Szymczyk, Grzegorz Ziółkowski, Ewa Karuga-Kuzniewska, Danuta Smutnicka, Iwona Bil-Lula, Marzenna Bartoszewicz, Susan Mahabady, Parish Paymon Sedghizadeh

Number of cells forming biofilm on jaws in TSB, TSB media supplemented with 3% sucrose; artificial saliva, saliva supplemented with 3% sucrose; BHI; BHI supplemented with 3% sucrose.
