Public Library of Science
pcbi.1007316.g007.tif (2.32 MB)

Mean error and SEM at best frequency and time for models with different wave-number and other model parameterizations.

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posted on 2019-11-15, 19:49 authored by David M. Alexander, Tonio Ball, Andreas Schulze-Bonhage, Cees van Leeuwen

The results are shown for a quarter of the trials, those with the highest past MLP. Upper: results for the event-related model and large-scale TW model (unrotated PCA), across all subjects. Each subject’s PLVerror, at the best time and frequency for that subject, are shown using circles. The event-related model and the models using only the first eigenvector are shown with smallest circles, and other configurations of eigenvectors are shown with successively larger circles, as indicated. Standard error of mean for the real part of the prediction error vector is shown in shaded regions (each subject’s n given in Table 1. The ‘μ’ column indicates the subject-wise mean of PLVerror, and the subject-wise SEM of the PLVerror (n=23). MEG subjects are prefixed by ‘M’, ECoG subjects prefixed by ‘E’. Lower: results using the first eigenvector only, across all subjects. The plot compares unrotated PCA (smallest circles) with rotated PCA and the model with the to-be-predicted site removed, as indicated by the larger circles. Conventions are otherwise the same as for the upper figure.
