Public Library of Science
pone.0232031.s006.docx (15.76 kB)

Growth rates of cutaneous neurofibromas in non-pregnant NF1 patients.

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journal contribution
posted on 2020-04-28, 17:37 authored by Lennart Well, Anna Jaeger, Hildegard Kehrer-Sawatzki, Said Farschtschi, Maxim Avanesov, Markus Sauer, Manuela Tavares de Sousa, Peter Bannas, Thorsten Derlin, Gerhard Adam, Victor F. Mautner, Johannes M. Salamon

Growth rates are expressed as percentage of total volume of tumors measured on initial examination. Observational period is given in years and indicates the time between baseline and follow up examination. The difference in tumor diameter is given in mm.

