Public Library of Science
pone.0198613.g004.tif (1.11 MB)

Excision of Tn6283 from the E. coli chromosome.

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posted on 2018-06-07, 17:46 authored by Lisa Nonaka, Tatsuya Yamamoto, Fumito Maruyama, Yuu Hirose, Yuki Onishi, Takeshi Kobayashi, Satoru Suzuki, Nobuhiko Nomura, Michiaki Masuda, Hirokazu Yano

(A) Design for PCR detection of recombination products. The diagrams show the hypothetical scenario in which Tn6283 excises itself as a circular molecule and forms a heteroduplex joint, while the Tn6283 donor site also forms a heteroduplex joint. The PCR-amplified heteroduplex joints should contain two types of sequences in the spacer between terminal repeat sequences. (B) PCR detection of joint formation on the recombination products. Lane 1: long PCR designed to detect the occupied Tn6283 donor site (primer set 2599572R-2599370F). Lane 2: detection of unoccupied Tn6283 donor sites (primer set 2599572R-2599370F). Lane 3: detection of circularized Tn6283 (primer set 3F-3R). (C) Sequences of PCR-amplified joints on the circularized Tn6283. The observed frequency is indicated next to each sequence. (D) Sequences of PCR-amplified joints on the unoccupied Tn6283 donor sites. In the upper panel, two types of expected joint sequences are shown. The lower panel shows the unexpectedly observed sequence, designated Scar.
