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pone.0170316.g001.tif (343.83 kB)

Epidemiology of Otitis Media with Spontaneous Perforation of the Tympanic Membrane in Young Children and Association with Bacterial Nasopharyngeal Carriage, Recurrences and Pneumococcal Vaccination in Catalonia, Spain - The Prospective HERMES Study - Fig 1

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posted on 2017-02-01, 17:30 authored by Robert Cilveti, Montserrat Olmo, Josefa Pérez-Jove, Juan-José Picazo, Josep-Lluis Arimany, Emiliano Mora, Tomás M. Pérez-Porcuna, Ignacio Aguilar, Aurora Alonso, Francesc Molina, María del Amo, Cristina Mendez

Isolation rates of S. pneumoniae and/or H. influenzae in children with and without history of previous otitis episodes: a) Percentage of children suffering a first episode of OM (striped columns) and with past history of otitis episodes (black columns) among children with OM by S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae and S. pneumoniae + H. influenzae; b) PCV13 serotypes in OM by S. pneumoniae (dotted columns) or S. pneumoniae + H. influenzae (grey columns) among children with a first episode of OM; c) Same as b) for children with past history of otitis.
