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Table A.

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posted on 2017-07-20, 17:35 authored by W. Bruce Saunders, Emily Greenfest-Allen, Peter D. Ward

Demographic data from 20 living populations of fished and unfished Nautilus and Allonautilus. Total n = 3,122 sampled animals. Osprey Reef, Aust., data are from Dunstan et al. [5, 6]. A catalog of all data except Osprey Reef and Bohol Market is reposited with the USNM Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC [1]. For an explanation of maturity and sex determinations see [7, 8]. Two localities are listed as separate populations: (1) Lizard Is, GBR, Australia was sampled separately in 1985 (13a) and 2012 (13b); (2) at Ndrova Is., Manus, PNG, both Allonautilus scrobiculatus (9a) and Nautilus pompilius (9b) occur sympatrically. N. stenomphalus? is a questionable species found only at Lizard Is., GBR [4], that is included here as N. pompilius sl? For additional information, see Table A—Notes. Table B. Trapping results from Palau, 1982, for Nautilus belauensis Saunders, 1981. Traps were set at two sites on the outer fringe reef on opposite sides of Palau (Ngemelis I. and Mutremdiu Point Short Drop Off). Identical box traps were set 38 times at depths of ~150 to 300 meters over a span of 87 days. A total of 901 animals was caught for the first time (“new”) and released and 163 (15. 3%) were recaught and released again. Mean trap yield was 28 animals per trap (max. n = 66), with soak times of 1–14 nights, and the mean was 24 new animals per trap (Fig 6). Data compiled from [1]; see Table A—Notes.

