Public Library of Science
pone.0233576.g003.tif (1023.43 kB)

Comparison of N-glycosite localization and glycoform abundance between rFVIII-K and pdFVIII-f.

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posted on 2020-05-22, 17:36 authored by Jingyao Qu, Cheng Ma, Xiao-Qian Xu, Min Xiao, Junping Zhang, Dong Li, Ding Liu, Barbara A. Konkle, Carol H. Miao, Lei Li, Weidong Xiao

The sites identified in rFVIII-K were labeled orange while those in pdFVIII-f in green. Site-specific N-glycosylation analysis with occupancy and relative abundance were shown in pie charts. White pie, not glycosylated; colored pie, the abundance of each glycoform; patterned pie, the total abundance of remaining glycoforms on this site.
