Public Library of Science
pntd.0006980.g004.tif (362.02 kB)

Assessment of mitochondrial and lysosomal phenotypes.

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posted on 2018-11-26, 19:48 authored by James A. Thomas, Nicola Baker, Sebastian Hutchinson, Caia Dominicus, Anna Trenaman, Lucy Glover, Sam Alsford, David Horn

(A) The microscopy images show examples of the Mitotracker signals. Percentage of cells positive for the typical ‘extended’ Mitotracker signal are shown. *, P < 0.05 from Students t-test. (B) The microscopy images show examples of the Lysotracker signals observed in untreated and suramin-treated cells. Percentage of cells positive for Lysotracker signal are shown. Other details as in Fig 2A; error bars, SD; N = 2; scale bars, 5 μm except for suramin-treated cells, which are 10 μm.
