Public Library of Science
pcbi.1007054.g002.tif (1.04 MB)

Analysis of protein dynamics based on experimental and simulation data.

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posted on 2019-06-03, 17:25 authored by Marzena Mura, Céline Feillet, Roberto Bertolusso, Franck Delaunay, Marek Kimmel

(A) Schematics of the model. In the population, each cell is characterized by seven parameters. At division, the parent-cell mass (Cend, Gend) is randomly split between the two progeny cells, according to the expression in which β is the random variable. Cell-cycle phase durations () for progeny cells (i is progeny number) are calculated using autoregression bifurcating models. —production rate of Cdt1 and Geminin proteins, are calculated using linear regression models, —cell cycle duration, TG1,TSG2M—G1 or S/G2/M phases length of the parent cell, μG1,μSG2M–mean G1 or S/G2/M cell cycle phases length, θG1,θSG2M–relation between parent and progeny G1 or S/G2/M cell cycle phases length, – random variables from bivariate lognormal distributions (common mean zero, common variances and correlation coefficients). We abandoned the originally assumed bivariate normal distribution to lognormal because of the positive skewness of the distributions of cell-cycle duration. (B) Comparison of linear relationships between the total division time and the duration of phases for experimental and simulation data. Solid black lines show the fitted linear relations of the form y = (slope) × x. (C) Comparison of distributions of the cell cycle and the cell-cycle phase duration for experimental data and modelling results. (D) Looking for probable regulatory mechanisms. Data-derived and simulation-based correlations between pairs of variables characterizing the protein trajectories. (E) Data-derived and simulation-based correlations between production parameters of family members.
