Public Library of Science
pbio.3000546.g010.tif (498.54 kB)

Analysis of nonrhythmic LFP bouts.

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posted on 2019-12-09, 18:31 authored by Hristos S. Courellis, Samuel U. Nummela, Michael Metke, Geoffrey W. Diehl, Robert Bussell, Gert Cauwenberghs, Cory T. Miller

Note that “bouts” in this case refers to the nonoscillatory cycle defined bouts defined agnostically of any oscillations. (A) Distribution of bout durations pooled across all channels and recordings from all subjects. Bout duration is reported in seconds. (B) Distribution of mean bout frequency across all channels and recordings from all subjects. Mean bout frequency is reported as the average frequency of all cycles included in a given bout, reported in hertz. (C) Distribution of percentage of bouts whose mean frequency fell within the MODAL-defined θ band is shown for all channels. The fraction for a given channel was computed as number of bouts within the MODAL θ-band limits for that channel divided by the total number of bouts detected on that channel. (D) The distribution of frequency differences between bouts occurring during HV and LV movement was computed for all channels. (E) Plots of the same analysis as in panel D but averaged across channels and reported for all sessions. Mean bout frequency was computed as in panel B. (D, E) Red vertical line indicates 0 Hz difference in mean frequency between HV bouts and LV bouts, and positive values indicate Freq HV > Freq LV. The underlying data can be found at HV, high velocity; LFP, local field potential; LV, low velocity; MODAL, Multiple Oscillation Detection Algorithm.
